Books Episodes

Oct. 19, 2021

#76: Andrew Warner – How to be a better conversationalist with the host of 2,000+ interviews

Andrew Warner is the founder of Mixergy and host of the Startup Stories Podcast by Mixergy, where he uncovers the secrets of the world’s best founders.
Guest: Andrew Warner
Sept. 14, 2021

#72: Jason Feifer – The Editor In Chief of Entrepreneur Magazine on making time for your own projects

Jason Feifer is the editor in chief of Entrepreneur magazine, a podcast host, book author, keynote speaker, startup advisor, and nonstop optimism machine.
Guest: Jason Feifer
Sept. 7, 2021

#71: Steph Smith – Generating thousands of sales on Gumroad (with a side project!)

Steph Smith is a growth marketer, writer, and indie maker. She's the creator of two books, Doing Content Right and Doing Time Right.
Guest: Steph Smith
July 20, 2021

#65: Austin Kleon – 10 years as a full-time writer and stealing like an artist

Austin Kleon is the New York Times bestselling author of a trilogy of illustrated books about creativity in the digital age: Steal Like An Artist, Show Your Work!, and Keep Going.
Guest: Austin Kleon
June 29, 2021

#63: Jay Acunzo – How to tell great stories with a professional speaker and veteran podcaster

Jay Acunzo is an author, speaker, and showrunner. He's the host of 3 Clips (recently acquired by Castos) and Unthinkable, which he describes as Radiolab for creators.
Guest: Jay Acunzo
June 15, 2021

#61: Ryan Hawk – How a top podcaster approaches outreach, interviewing, and prioritizing new projects

Ryan Hawk is a keynote speaker and the host of the Learning Leader Show.
Guest: Ryan Hawk
June 1, 2021

#59: Mignon Fogarty – Making the case for shorter podcasts with a Podcasting Hall of Famer and New York Times best-selling author

Mignon Fogarty is the founder of the Quick and Dirty Tips network and creator of Grammar Girl.
May 18, 2021

#56: Allen Gannett – Writing The Creative Curve, receiving feedback gracefully, and tapping into your innate creativity

Allen Gannett is the author of The Creative Curve (Penguin Random House, 2018) that shows how the creative process can be learned by anyone.
Guest: Allen Gannett
Sept. 15, 2020

#25: Eric Jorgenson – Creating a full-length book from Tweets, interviews, essays, and podcasts

Eric Jorgenson is the author of The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness (also called Navalmanack).
Sept. 8, 2020

#24: Tiffany Aliche, The Budgetnista – Paying off debt, saving for retirement, weathering a recession, and building wealth

Tiffany "The Budgetnista" Aliche is an author, speaker, and founder of the Live Richer Academy.
March 31, 2020

#2: James Clear – Habits, research, and how to create A+ work from a New York Times best selling author

James Clear is a personal development keynote speaker and New York Times bestselling author of Atomic Habits.
Guest: James Clear