I cannot thank Jay and his team enough for this outstanding podcast and for consistently releasing high value content on a regular basis. I wish I had found this podcast at the beginning of our business journey. It would have made the process of creating and launching our service based membership community, podcast, newsletter, social media, (I could go on)… so much easier. However I can look forward to future episodes that will no doubt be filled with excellent advice from Jay and his guests and I’m stoked to hear that he will be releasing more solo episodes! Jays education is not only taught in a way that makes sense for anyone to understand, it is delivered with a profound sense of peace. I definitely think more podcasters in this space would benefit by adapting some of this into their approach. Most of us are constantly second guessing ourselves and our work which can lead to stress and burnout. However, even during my lowest points of burnout i can turn on any episode of Creator Science and I am guaranteed to leave feeling this wonderful sense of clarity, better educated, and fully empowered to complete the work that needs to be done. Our work is in the child abuse healing and prevention space, so it’s always a relief to find educators that leave you feeling inspired and free to be create! Rather than weighed down with all of the things that need to be done or improved upon. To wrap up I just want thank Jay and everyone at CS for everything you do. What you guys do inspires and educates our team to be better at creating what we do for the survivor community. A lot of the time people don’t even realize that they play a part in a system or domino effect that has been created to bring joy and a hope back into the lives of many innocent souls around the world. I think it’s important that you’re all aware of that and to know you’re very much appreciated by our little organization. We certainly hope to be part of the lab or creator school one day! Sending our best wishes and kindest regards.
Austen Tanner & Jan Broberg
The Jan Broberg Foundation (&Show)